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Slippery fields and puddles!?!?
Finally something that does work!

MO5Sport is an extremely effective solution for cleaning artificial sports surfaces and thereby preventing slippery fields and puddles.

MO5Sport can be used on all types of artificial grass & hybrid pitches, as well as athletic tracks and gravel. Its effect on (semi-) water-based pitches and smash-courts is particularly special. MO5Sport clears away all excess organic matter in the mats and restores the soil to the original situation when it was laid.  It can take up to 2 months before the result is visible. A condition is that the use of all chemical agents must be stopped when using MO5Sport.

MO5Sport is a product that works through the presence of specially selected micro-organisms. MO5Sport promotes the decomposition process of organic substances and prevents them from building up. 

The use of chemical agents, such as algaecides, hydrogen peroxide, road salt etc., kills the micro-organisms and algae present in the soil. The problem is that by killing the micro-organisms in the soil, the decomposition of dead organic material, such as dead algae, is also stopped. This preserves organic matter and causes it to accumulate. It also results in the drainage no longer working and large puddles remain on the pitch.

MO5Sport does not kill or displace micro-organisms or algae, but restores the natural balance. 

Benefits of MO5Sport: 
- Absolutely safe to work with:
- Excellent results, no more slippery field or puddles.
- Drainage system functions again
- Labour intensive
- No risk to people, animals and plants
- Completely safe for surface and ground water
- No disadvantage to ongoing competition
- Long-term result
- Lowest costs
- Longer lifespan of the playing surface due to mechanical cleaning

mo5Sport PDF MO5Sport brochure English.pdf

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