Evo GevelCreme 40%

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Product description

Hydrophobic impregnation in cream form based on silane
Driving rain protection for facades.
Reduction of the tendency to pollution and greening.
Porous, mineral building materials outdoors.
Curative protection against driving rain in cavity and interior insulation.
Not suitable for solvent-sensitive materials such as styropor or bitumen.


Highly water repellent, reduces water absorption and provides hydrophobic surface
Water vapor permeable.
Improves freeze/thaw salt resistance to prevent frost damage.
Excellent penetrating power.
UV resistant.
Alkali resistant.
long-lasting effect.
Easy and accurate to apply with a paint roller and brush and without loss of material.
Quickly rainproof, approx. 60 minutes after application.

Physical and chemical properties

Viscosity: Crèmig
Color: Milky White
Potlife: N/A
Flashing point: > 61°C
Active %: 40 mass %
Theoretical consumption: 0.2 – 0.8 lt /m2
Density (20°C) approx. 0.84 kg/ltr
Dilution: Do not dilute
Smell: None

1 Components polysiloxane solution, Substrate dearomatized hydrocarbon

Substrate Substrate moisture content : < 5%
Surface temperature * : Minimum + 10° C
Air temperature: Minimum + 10° C maximum 25°C

Application - processing

Substrate must be in good condition. Construction errors and hygroscopic
humidity must first be corrected. Existing deposits (dirt, moss) or salts
should be removed. The presence of high concentrations of salts lead to
structural damage that cannot be prevented by water-repellent impregnation.
Treat damage and imperfections eg cracks, bad joints, incorrect connections, rising and hygropic moisture. Carry out the necessary cleaning measures without damaging the substrate, e.g. by spraying with cold or warm water or by steam cleaning. Remove stubborn dirt by using Evo cleaning products, e.g. Evo Facade Cleaning Paste.
Application guidelines Material, ambient and substrate temperature: min. +10°C to max. +25°C
Cross-apply the impregnating agent with a suitable tool or spray it airless.
Consumption: Varies with substrate porosity.
Depending on the porosity, in one layer: approx. 0.15 - 0.20 ltr/m² Determine the consumption of the impregnating agent on a sufficiently large (1 - 2 m²) test area
Guideline consumption per m2.

·       Brick: 0.2 - 0.5 lt/m2
·       Hard brick: 0.1 - 0.2 lt/m2
·       Concrete: 0.2 - 0.3 lt/m2

Cleaning tools

Tools / cleaning Long-haired fur roller, brush Airless nozzle: 40° spray angle, bore 0.021, max. 60 bar spray pressure.
Rinse/clean tools immediately after application with warm water.


EUH204 (EU-GHS). Keep the product out of the reach of children. For more information, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS/MSDS) and information on the product packaging. Personal protective equipment Requires respiratory protection, combination filter min. A/P2 and eye protection when spraying. Wear suitable protective gloves and clothing.
See msds for further information.

Storage and handling

Store in a dry, cool and frost-free place. The product is unusable if it has been frozen. If unopened, the product has a shelf life of 24 months from the date of manufacture. The production date is stated on the packaging. Limited shelf life after opening.

Waste disposal

Do not discharge the product into sewers or open waters, but dispose of it via official waste collectors. When cured, this product is not dangerous and can be regarded as normal industrial waste.
Rinse/clean tools immediately after application with warm water.


EUH204 (EU-GHS). Keep the product out of the reach of children. For more information, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS/MSDS) and information on the product packaging.

Storage and handling

Store in a dry, cool and frost-free place. The product is unusable if it has been frozen. If unopened, the product has a shelf life of 24 months from the date of manufacture. The production date is stated on the packaging. Limited shelf life after opening.


Do not discharge the product into sewers or open waters, but dispose of it via official waste collectors. When cured, this product is not dangerous and can be regarded as normal industrial waste.


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